What Happens In a Alcohol Rehab Center

If you rely on alcohol to feel normal, you likely need a detox programme. Overcoming detox is not just about willpower; stopping alcohol abruptly without medical assistance can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Even in less severe cases, the withdrawal process is challenging.

A detox programme provides the necessary support to navigate withdrawal, often including medications to alleviate symptoms and care for any medical and mental health conditions. Withdrawal symptoms may last for a week or more, peaking within 24-72 hours. With substantial support, you are more likely to successfully complete a detox programme.

Breaking the cycle of addiction is challenging, but entering an alcohol and drug rehab centre is a crucial first step towards recovery. These centres, staffed by licensed and experienced professionals, provide a supportive environment for individuals struggling with addiction. The comprehensive treatment programmes offered at these facilities often include detox, medication, counselling, therapy, sober living arrangements, and relapse prevention strategies, all tailored to each individual’s needs.

Rehab centres address various forms of addiction, including drug, alcohol, and behavioural addictions. Treatment programmes typically last between one to three months, with options for extended care. Many individuals battling addiction also suffer from co-occurring psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD, necessitating integrated care from psychologists, psychiatrists, and trauma specialists. However, few rehab centres are equipped to handle co-occurring disorders or provide onsite detox programmes, often requiring initial detoxification at a hospital, which can disrupt the continuity of care.

Medically supervised detoxes in rehab centres are designed to ensure a safe and controlled withdrawal process, reducing the risks associated with self-detoxification. These centres offer a secure environment, away from stress and negative influences, with round-the-clock medical and psychological support. Medications may be used to ease withdrawal symptoms, making the process more manageable. For alcohol addiction, detox is especially important for heavy or long-term users to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms like delirium tremens. Drug detoxes, tailored to individual needs, are critical for those with physical dependence to prevent life-threatening complications during withdrawal.

Preparing for Alcohol Rehab

When preparing for an inpatient or residential treatment programme, it’s important to bring essential items such as your picture ID and insurance card. Pack enough clothing for 1 to 2 weeks, including casual, comfortable clothes, pajamas, sneakers, and flip-flops. Be mindful of packing limits and available storage space. Facilities often provide laundry services, so overpacking is unnecessary. If the facility has a pool, bring an appropriate one-piece swimsuit. For centres with fitness amenities, include workout clothes in your packing list. Additionally, pack new, sealed, alcohol-free toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, skincare products, toothpaste, and makeup. Bring personal hygiene items such as a toothbrush, hairbrush, comb, and hair dryer. Prescription medications should be in original bottles and accompanied by a detailed list. Electronic devices like phones, laptops, and tablets may be allowed, but their use will be restricted to promote a therapeutic environment.

Avoid packing items that can hinder your recovery or are not permitted at the facility. These include energy drinks, beverages in aluminium cans, drugs, alcohol, weapons, drug paraphernalia, personal vapes, inappropriate clothing, outside food, CBD or marijuana products, and personal linens. Rehab centres aim to create a supportive and therapeutic environment, so it’s important to follow their guidelines. While it may be daunting to leave behind the comforts of home, embracing the new setting and utilising available supports and resources will aid in your recovery journey. Remember, your stay is temporary, and you’ll have access to your personal items again in the future.

What to Expect During Alcohol Rehab

Upon checking into an alcohol rehab facility, you will undergo an intake process involving an interview or questionnaire to assess your substance misuse and co-occurring health conditions, facilitating the creation of a customised treatment plan. You may begin with detox, where medical professionals monitor and assist with withdrawal symptoms. Following detox, the programme typically includes behavioural therapy, individual counselling, and educational sessions, with structured daily activities such as group counselling, physical exercise, and 12-step meetings. Some facilities use comprehensive curriculums like “Changes Alcohol Rehab for Life,” integrating research-based therapies and self-reflection to support your recovery journey. Upon arrival, you will also meet with an admissions staff member, undergo a medical and psychiatric evaluation, and provide information to finalise your treatment plan and verify insurance benefits.

Addressing Co-occurring Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

Co-occurring disorders refer to the simultaneous presence of addiction and at least one mental health disorder. These conditions can complicate treatment, leading to noncompliance, lack of motivation, early termination of the treatment programme, and a higher likelihood of relapse.

Chronic substance abuse can alter the body’s chemistry, potentially resulting in mental illnesses. For instance, cocaine addiction often induces anxiety and paranoia, while heroin abuse can disrupt the brain’s pleasure centres, leading to depression. Additionally, individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions may turn to substances like drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication. A common example is the use of prescription painkillers by individuals with PTSD, which can rapidly lead to addiction.

Alcohol rehabilitation centres typically conduct mental health evaluations to identify co-occurring disorders. Based on the results, a counsellor will create an integrated dual diagnosis treatment plan, tailoring rehabilitation programmes, counselling sessions, and outcome goals to address both the addiction and the mental health condition. Treatment may involve a combination of medications, such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, mood stabilisers, and atypical antipsychotics, alongside other therapeutic interventions to effectively manage co-occurring disorders.

Types of Detox Programs

When considering detox programmes, it’s essential to also think about subsequent rehab, as some programmes combine both detox and addiction treatment. The two primary types of detox programmes are inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient detox involves staying at a hospital, detox clinic, or rehab centre with round-the-clock care. Outpatient detox allows you to live at home while receiving treatment during the day, which can include regular visits to a healthcare professional for medication.

Inpatient detox typically offers more comprehensive services but is more expensive. Outpatient detox is a more affordable option that is generally safe and effective for those with mild to moderate alcohol withdrawal. It works best if your physical and mental health is stable, your home environment is supportive, and you do not have a long history of severe alcohol use disorder.

Rehab programmes vary in services, ranging from medical care and counselling to life skills training and relapse prevention. Residential rehab, where you live at a centre for 1-3 months, is suitable for serious addiction issues. Partial hospitalization or day treatment involves living at home but attending treatment at a hospital or clinic at least five days a week, with telehealth options available. Intensive outpatient treatment offers a structured series of in-depth visits, serving as a follow-up to partial hospitalization, detox, or residential rehab, and can help prevent the need for more intensive services.